15 BEST Grass Type Pokemon – GamingSpell

We have updated this list of best grass type pokemon. There are some other similar lists as well on our website. You can also check cute pokemon that were published recently.

Not surprisingly, many prominent websites love the various children of grass with their scots. So, let’s take a look at the top Best Grass Pokémon. Just don’t get cut on the razor leaf as you travel.

 The love of Grass species has strong roots in the Pokémon community. Since the release of Pokémon Red, Blue, and Green, players have been able to choose the type of Grass that they will bring to their journals. With the release of both the Isle of Armor and the Crown Tundra within the Sword and Shield, there are now 108 108 Grass Pokémon. With some coming up with new Gigantamax forms too, it seemed like time to put on gloves in the garden, hold a watering can and give this list a review. There is no Sudowoodo here, just Pokémon Gym Leader Erika can be proud to have his team!


Sunkern Pokemon

Sunkern is a Grass-type Pokémon introduced in Generation II.

It turns to Sunflora when it is introduced to Sun Stone.


  • Physiology

Sunkern is small, like Pokémon seed-like sunflower seeds. They have dark, oval-shaped eyes from their yellow/black body.

  • Behavior

Sunkern’s life is centered on its evolution into Sunflora. Sunkern moves as slowly as possible, trying to retain the energy and nutrients it needs through the process of evolution.

  • Food

According to Pokédex, Sunkern’s food is said to be the morning dew, which accumulates under the leaves of plants.


Sunkern is transformed into Sunflora through Sun Stone.


Roserade Grass type pokemon

Roserade is a Grass / Poison Pokémon of the main type introduced in Generation IV.It comes from Roselia when she is portrayed in Shiny Stone. It is Budew’s last resort.

  • Physiology

Also called the Boutique Pokémon, Roserade is a small / human-like Pokémon plant that appears in the same form in its previously evolved form, Roselia. Like Roselia, Roserade blooms completely at the end of their arms, though they have three on each arm, which look like flowers, in contrast to the single rose of Roselia on each arm. Instead of a leaf-like leaf on the front, Roserade has a long cape-like leaf on its back. Roserade also has a single leaf present between their legs. On their necks are a yellow “collar”, and on their heads are white rose petals that appear as hairs. Covering the upper part of its face is a leaf, which makes it look like it is wearing a mask. The glossy version of Roserade has a brighter color. The red bundle is converted to purple, and the blue cluster is turned gray.

  • Gender differences

The Roserade woman has a “cape” longer than the Roserade man.

  • Behavior

Like Mawile, Roserade deceives creatures who use their scent to attract their victims.

  • Special skills

Roserade has Natural Cure and Poison Point skills. Natural Remedies will cure any illness that results from a war, and Poison Point will create a 30% chance that opponent Pokémon will get poisoned through physical contact.


Roserade is Budew’s last resort. Roselia only converts to Roserade through Shiny Stone.


Ferrothorn Pokemon

Ferrothorn is a Grass / Steel Pokémon of two types introduced in Generation V.

It comes from Ferroseed starting at the 40th level.

  • Physiology

Ferrothorn is a large metal Pokémon with a saucer-shaped body covered with green veins. Ferrothorn looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring, metal body are covered with sharp green thorns. There are three black lines around his body; the midline under his eyes is a triangle. Her eyes have green marks, yellow sclera, and black pupils. There is a green spike on the top of her head. Closed, long, thin, green appendage by extending the rotation of the metal disc. Ferrothorne uses these winged metal plates to hold the roof of its wings or it can use a sloping surface.


Ferrothorn is a modified version of Ferroseed as the 40th level.


Carnivine Pokemon

Carnivine is a Grass-type Pokémon introduced in Generation IV.

It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.

  • Physiology

Carnivine is undoubtedly one of the most amazing looking Pokémon. Carnivine looks like a venus flytrap, with large jaws and red and green vines that it uses to hang from mangrove trees in the swamps where it lives. Alos, Carnivine has leaves where its arms should be. Carnivine is not very moving, it just hangs down and waits for bugs like Ledyba to pass.

  • Natural abilities

Carnivine has the only Levitate ability that allows it to float in the air and be protected from Ground-type movement. It is said to look like a plant that hangs from branches to its branches. Carnivine releases its fragrant saliva to attract prey and to crush prey. Carnivine takes a whole day to feed its victim.


Carnivine is consistent.



Chikorita is a Grass-type Pokémon introduced in Generation II.

It transforms into Bayleef starting at level 16, which transforms into a Meganium starting at level 32.

Along with Cyndaquil and Totodile, Chikorita is one of Johto’s first three Pokémon founders based on Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver.BIOLOGY

  • Physiology

Chikorita is a small dinosaur-like Pokémon, especially similar to the Sauropoda. Chikorita has a light green color and its eyes are dull red. At the neck of its neck are small shoots capable of shooting into long vines. Its most prominent feature is a large leaf at the top of its head. Chikorita has four short legs with one toe on each toe.

  • Behavior

Chikoritas are humble and friendly, spending a lot of time in the sun to absorb the sun’s rays.

  • Natural Abilities

Chikorita can use a few natural skills. The vines can be shot out of its neck from a small hole around it and can create a large number of leaves from one large leaf at the top of its head. The Chikorita leaf above its head has soothing properties.


Chikorita transforms into Bayleef level 16 and Meganium level 32.



Ludicolo is a second-generation Water-Grass Pokémon introduced in Generation III.

It originated in Lombre when it was introduced to the Water Stone. It’s Lotad’s last resort.

  • Physiology

Ludicolo appears to be a combination of a pineapple duck with a lily pad resembling a green sombero on its head. It has a yellow, ovoid body with brown zigzags all over its body. It has a green face with black readers and an orange beak. The growth of the sombrero is like a stem-like appendage with a spiky yellow ball on top. Ludicolo has green limbs, and the palms of the hands are green with two black stripes. Ludicolo’s legs are short and wrinkled with a dark spot at the bottom.

  • Behavior

When he hears the music of the festival, all his muscles are filled with energy. It doesn’t help to break out of the dance.

  • Gender differences

Male Ludicolo has thicker lines on their hair than women.

  • Natural abilities

Its special abilities include Swift Swim and Rain Dish.


Ludicolo is the evolutionary form of Lombre and is the final stage of Lotad’s evolution. To convert Lombre into Ludicolo one has to use a water stone.



Virizion is a Grass / Fighting-type Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation V. It is part of the legendary quartet swords, along with Cobalion, Terrakion, and Keldeo.

  • Physiology

Virizion is a Pokémon-like game. The upper part of its body is covered with leaf-green hair, and the underside is green. Virizion has pink leaves growing on its neck, and a rim of green leaves protruding from under the shoulders. Virizion has long greenhorns wrapped around its head. Its face is like a deer in appearance, and it has pink eyes. She appears to be wearing well-fitting boots with pink tips on the top and gray markings on the toes.

  • Special Abilities

Virizion’s horns are extremely sharp. Virizion is incredibly fast and uses storm-like movements to confuse its enemies. The gray line produces a green sword-like horn as seen in Kyurem vs. the Sword of Justice.

  • Behavior

Virizion usually does not trust people. When the people destroyed their homeland, Virizion fought against them and their Pokémon allies, as well as Cobalion and Terrakion.


Virizion does not change.



The Exeggutor is a Grass / Psychic Pokémon with two types introduced in Generation I.

It comes from Exeggcute where it is presented with a Leaf Stone.

In Alola, the Exeggutor has a Grass / Dragon regional form, comes from Exeggcute where it is presented with a Leaf Stone. All Exeggcute in Alola transforms into this form regardless of its origin.

  • Physiology

The Exeggutor is known as Coconut Pokémon. This Pokémon looks like a moving palm tree with three coconut-shaped heads. Each head has its own will. Exeggutor has two stubborn legs. When the head grows too big, it falls off and becomes Exeggcute. They use Telepathy to discuss their plan before reaching a joint decision.

The Alolan Exeggutor is much taller and smaller than his Kantonia counterpart and has a tail that eventually becomes a coconut with an extra face.

  • Behavior

Kantonian Exeggutor is given a reputation as the “Walking Jungle”. Legend has it that one of the heads of the Exeggutor will fall and make an Exeggcute. The three heads of the Exeggutor always think independently and rarely quarrel with each other. Exeggutor with a strong body is the result of cool conditions.

The Alolan Exeggutor is thriving in the Alola region. Local people often take pride in the Exeggutor, saying that it was originally intended to look good. Alola-based Exeggutors donate their psychic powers to donate draconic power that has been around for many years. The main reason for the Exeggutor to get the Dragon-type power is the strong sunlight from Alola.

  • Natural abilities

The heirs have the potential of Chlorophyll. This causes the Exeggutor’s speed to rise when it is sunny. Alolan Exeggutors have a Frisk ability to reveal opponents’ items.

Both of Exeggutor’s hidden abilities, Harvest, have the potential to consume edible berries as well.


Exeggutor is a flexible method of Exeggcute using Leaf Stone.



Decidueye Grass / Ghost Pokémon of the double version was introduced in Generation VII.

It comes from Dartrix which starts at level 34. It’s Rowlet’s last resort.

  • Physiology

Decidueye is a long Pokémon, an owl-like bird. The upper part of its face is black with a small, orange cover as a mask around its eyes. Decidueye has orange readers and a green mouth connected. The feathers that cover its wings and back are light brown, and its body is basically white with the appearance of six pockets. The three farms at the edge of each wing are arranged like fingers and have simple tips. It has long legs, two toes and two hind toes, and short green toes.

Its tail has three long green leaves. In front of its wings are three rows of triangular vertical lines. Decidueye has a hat with green leaves covering its head and shoulders. Around the head, the hood creates a lot of speculative speculation extending to its surface. It has white pulp with a red base that reaches to the very top of its hood. On its chest is an orange X symbol set by dead two vines. Pulling the vines closes the hood over Decidueye’s hoodie-like face.

  • Behavior

Decidueye is usually quiet and collected but easily knocked out. It will pull off its “Hoodie” if the loss is too important to find a more accurate shotgun.

  • Natural abilities

By creating an elastic band from its wings, Decidueye can shoot its feathers like arrows in a tenth of a second. Unfortunately, its body is so large that it cannot fly easily. It can hit a target more than half a mile away.


Decidueye is a Dartrix 34-level modification. It’s also Rowlet’s last appearance.


Leafeon Pokemon

Leafeon is a Grass-type Pokémon introduced in Generation IV.

It originated in Eevee when it was measured near Moss Rock (from Generations IV to VII) or displayed on Leaf Stone (in Generation VIII). In one of Eevee’s final forms, the others are Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Glaceon, and Sylveon.

  • Physiology

Lefeon is a four-haired mammal with features that strongly distinguish between its body structure and the greenery that emerges from its body. Lefeon tail and ears are embroidered in a style resembling torn and scattered leaves. Besides the ears and tail like a leaf, there are many small leaves growing on its body; the leaves grow from the joints of the knees to the front legs and hind legs, chest, and back. The larger, curved leaf grows from the center of its forehead and is uniform, with a soft green color on all other leaves. Lefeon’s body is brown, and his feet are brown.

  • Behavior

The entry of Leafeon Pokémon Platinum Pokédex suggests that it is mostly pacifist and does not like to fight. Leafeon spends most of its time bathing and rubbing under the sun to do photosynthesis, so it does not need to eat regularly.

  • Natural Abilities

According to Pokédex, Lefeon uses photosynthesis beyond the capabilities of its animals, and as a result, it is constantly surrounded by fresh air.

Lefeon’s tail is as sharp as a razor, able to cut through the largest trees. In the Galar region, Leafeon is very popular because of the delicious aroma it produces. As a result, many fragrances are made from it.

  • Habitat

Lefeon lives peacefully in forests with clean, flowing rivers.


Eevee turns Leafeon on any level, where he is placed in Eterna Forest, Pinwheel Forest, Route 20, Petalburg Woods, or Lush Jungle near a rock-covered rock.

In Pokémon Sword and Shield, Eevee now switches to Leafeon using Leaf Stone.



Grookey is a Grass-type Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII.

It shifts to Thwackey starting at level 16, which shifts to Rillaboom starting at level 35.Along with Scorbunny and Sobble, Grookey is one of the three starters of the Pokémon Galar found at the beginning of the Pokémon Sword and Shield.

Together with Scorbunny and Sobble, it was the first Generation VIII Pokémon to be unveiled to the public on February 27, 2019.

  • Physiology

Grookey is a small Pokémon like a monkey with an orange-like mouth, a yellow “face mask” around its eyes, and light green fur. Also, Grookey has brown ears and orange hands and feet. Grookey has a two-leaf hairdo, holding its rod. Its tail is curved, short, and brown with its black eyes.

  • Behavior

Grookey is full of curiosity and is very cruel, considered an emotionally charged person as its character can make anyone happy.

  • Natural abilities

Grookey can rejuvenate plants by touching them with a stick in its fur. It is also good to climb trees.Alternatively, the stick he is wearing can be used as a weapon to strike enemies.


Grookey is turning into a Tacackey starting point at 16, which is turning into a Rillaboom starting level 35.


Celebi Pokemon

Celebi is a dual-type Psychic / Grass Mythical Pokémon introduced in Generation II. This pokemon works as a keeper of Ilex Forest.

This is the last Pokémon in Johto Pokédex and Hoenn Pokédex in Generation III, though the latter, it is not shown.

  • Physiology

Celebi is a small, slender Pokémon with short arms and rounded feet. Its cranium is shaped like a flower bulb, stretched upwards to the left. Also, Celebi’s blue eyes are very large, paying off most of their faces. Also from his head are two small, cord-shaped horns with green tips. They seem to bend differently in most cases. Its larger rear space is covered with two wings, which resemble white, short, and small moths that extend only to the middle of the arm’s length. Moreover, Celebi’s head is like an onion.


Celebi does not change.


Pumpkaboo - Cute Pokemon

Pumpkaboo is a dual version of Ghost / Grass Pokémon introduced in Generation VI.

It turns into a Gourgeist when it is sold. The Pumpkaboo comes in four different variations: Small Size, Medium Size, Large Size, and High Size.

  • Physiology

Pumpkaboo is a ghost of Pokémon shaped like a pumpkin carved in jack-o-lantern. The upper part of its body, the round, pumpkin-shaped body is covered with a thick layer of dark brown hair curled upward at the edges. Pumpkaboo has a curved trunk at the top of its head, and two-horned hairs on both sides, and has two fertile yellow eyes and a small mouth with two sharp teeth protruding from under its upper cup. The lower part of Pumpkaboo’s body is orange and has bumps, with two short legs and two holes that appear to be carved. Inside Pumpkaboo’s body, a mysterious orange light can be seen and can act as a torch.

Pumpkaboo comes in a variety of sizes, from the smallest to the largest. The size of the Pumpkaboo determines its statistics.Pumpkaboo carries souls inside its empty body. The little Pompkaboo is made up of a few souls but the big Pumpkaboo is made up of many souls. In addition, the small Pumpkaboo prefers children while the larger Pumpkaboo prefers adults.


Pumpkaboo turns into Gourgeist when it is sold.


Calyrex Pokemon

Calyrex is a unique Psychic / Grass Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII.

While it is not known whether it evolves or from any Pokémon, Calyrex has two other variants, which are made using Reins of Unity in it or the Glastrier or Spectrier, leading to a process that removes the Glastrier or Spectrier from the group until the merger is postponed. Calyrex will be Ice Rider Calyrex (Psychic / Ice with Glastrier) or Shadow Rider Calyrex (Psychic / Ghost with Spectrier).

Without this mix, it is impossible to have Ice Rider Calyrex and Shadow Rider Calyrex at the same time officially, as the game denied the second merger of Calyrex with Glastrier / Spectrier, and Calyrex could not be sold or placed in Pokémon HOME while integrated.Calyrex is the mascot of The Crown Tundra game, from the boxerts of Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass in its form.

  • Physiology

Calyrex is a bipedal Pokémon, a mammalian rabbit. Calyrex large body is light gray with a rounded trunk, and it has long white legs with no visible numbers, arms are also short with white tips and have no visible digits. Calrerex also has four long ears with white tips that elevate its large brain (light green), and on its neck there are smaller features like its brain, the smallest at the front and the largest at the back. Calyrex long face has a white underparts, with closed purple eyes, and a black triangular nose. It also has four insect-colored insect-like wings, giving it a slight overview of the royal cape.Like the Ice Rider or Shadow Rider, Calyrex’s crown is a little lighter, and his cap is longer and gets a creamy layer on top.

  • Behavior

Calrerex used to dominate the entire Galar in ancient times. He is very smart and his brain is very big. It is said that he has no compassion for war, but he will heal the wounds of his enemies.

  • Natural abilities

Calyrex has the ability to visualize the events of all three phases, past, present, and future, and even save the forest using this ability from the sky. Calyrex can also communicate with people through another person’s body, such as Peony’s, but it can also use telephone thinking when fully functional. And he is kind even though he looks weak.

In the past, Calyrex’s right hand would have caused vegetation, and on the left, it would have accelerated its maturation. Calyrex can also grow Iceroot / Shaderoot carrots by dancing near the field where their seeds are planted. It has also been able to create glowing flowers, which can be used to create the Reins of Unity which it uses to soften its horse.

Calyrex can also give blessings and heal, and move all forests (and its inhabitants). When concentrated, it can give life to dam areas by promoting plant growth and has absolute power when it is in its other species, and it becomes weak after forgetting people and losing its sword.


Calyrex does not change.



Bulbasaur is a double-type Grass / Poison Pokémon introduced in Generation I.

It changes to Ivysaur from level 16, which changes to Venusaur from level 32.

Along with Charmander and Squirtle, Bulbasaur is one of three Pokémon Kanto starts found at the beginning of Pokémon Red, Green, Blue, Fire Red, and Leaf Green.

  • Physiology

The Bulbasaur is like a small amphibian/frog, but it has three claws on each foot and no tail. Bulbasaur also has large, red eyes and small, sharp teeth, the skin is light, green with dark, green spots, and has three claws on all four legs. Bulbasaur’s most prominent feature, however, is the above-mentioned bulb on its back, which, through its entry into the Pokédex, is planted there at birth.

  • Features

The Bulbasaur has a “bulb” on its back that grows slowly as it grows. This lamp contains seeds that use photosynthesis to feed the Bulbasaur. Its light bulb is also used to store energy from seed, which can be used if necessary. It’s thought that when the Bulbasaur gathers enough energy from its bulb, it will turn into an Ivysaur.

  • Behavior

The Bulbasaur usually rests in bright areas so that its light can absorb sunlight. It can be seen by sleeping in the bright sun. While asleep, the seeds on its back catch the rays and use the energy to grow.

128 thoughts on “15 BEST Grass Type Pokemon – GamingSpell”

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