How do you boost people in Apex?

Some of you may know what boosting services are. For those who are unaware, these services help regular players to achieve various goals of Apex Legends and other online games in a few different ways.

First, let’s discuss what exactly you can boost in Apex Legends. You may not expect this, but there’s quite a lot of things to boost in AL. Ranks, Wins, Badges, K/D Ratio, Battle Pass Leveling, Legends Unlock, Weapon Mastery, Account Leveling, Tokens Farm, and Challenges. Yes, every single one of the things mentioned above can be boosted. And there’s one more special service within Apex Legends which we’ll mention at the end of this article. Let’s dive into it!

Piloted Boost Method

This one is the most popular. It’s quite easy to describe – you allow another more skilled player to log into your account and do the task you’ve paid him for. 

Obviously, this type of boost has some risks, one of them being you can simply lose your account if your booster is a scammer. If you want to avoid this kind of risk – use professional boosting services for Apex Legends Boosting. Service providers hire verified players and are not interested in any kind of failures, so if you are looking for a safe boost – check them out.

Benefits of piloted boost method are as follows:

  • No headache – everything is done while you’re busy with something else, you won’t struggle yourself, you’re just getting straight to the rewards;
  • It’s fast – boosters are much more skilled and experienced players, they do everything faster especially when nothing is holding them back;
  • Price – usually, piloted boost method is the cheapest one.

But there’s also some downsides:

  • Most likely you won’t learn anything new – since you’re not participating in the boosting process, you’re not enhancing your personal skills in any way;
  • You just may feel uncomfortable letting someone else on your account, even if you’re confident in your boosting services provider.

Self-play Boost Method

This method is not as popular as the piloted method, but it doesn’t mean it’s great in its own way. The basis of the method is that you’re playing with your booster on the same team, he’s your personal professional teammate. In case of this method, his task is to carry you to victory. Let’s look at the pros and cons here.


  • It’s fun – you’re playing yourself with a strong player on your team, that’s always great!
  • Opportunities for learning – just by watching a personal booster at work you can pick one or two things from him.
  • You’re staying calm – you’re playing on your own account, nothing to worry about here.


  • May cost a bit more than piloted;
  • You’ve got to play yourself, so it can take a bit more time to complete the required task, not to mention that the service start won’t be immediate;
  • Not the best option to improve your personal skills. For that – look at the option below. 


This is some kind of a mix between a boosting method and a separate service in Apex Legends. Coaching is specifically targeted at making you a better player in every possible situation. Let’s see what Coaching is all about.

What’s good:

  • Huge personal skill improvements – seriously, even a few hours with professional coach can make a big difference, you will be very impressed;
  • The most fun out of three – your booster or coach, in this case, don’t have to carry you, they are here to teach you how to play this game and most players find this process very entertaining;
  • Sometimes can be quite cheaper than a regular boost methods – being carried to, let’s say, a Diamond will surely cost more than 5 hours of coaching.

What’s not so good:

  • You won’t have any time to relax during the coaching hours. Learning the game is not the easiest task even with a professional coach;
  • You’ve got to play yourself, obviously;
  • If you’re training with a purpose of getting to the specific rank, just buying a piloted method boost will be simpler and faster. But easy ways are just not for everyone, right?

To sum up, when it comes to boosting in Apex Legends, you have both the variety of services to choose from and the methods of their completion. Boosting services came a long way in the last few years and many players still don’t know about it.

So being well informed is in your best interests. Getting yourself a boost is not something that shameful, it’s fine – not all of us have enough time to play games, unfortunately. Job, family, other hobbies, and many other things with higher priorities require our attention almost every single day. So your desire of having fun in the game you play, Apex Legends or not, is completely understandable and common among all gamers around the world.

1 thought on “How do you boost people in Apex?”

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