Eldritch Blast | D&D 5th Edition Spells Guide

What is Eldritch Blast?

Eldritch Blast is a beam of enormous energy towards a creature target within the range. It is used to make a ranged spell against the target. On hitting the target, it gives 1d10 force damage.

This spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels. Eldritch Blast contains two beams at the 5th level, three beams at the 11th level, and four beams at the 17th level. You can easily change the direction of the beams either towards one target or multiple. It makes a separate attack roll for each beam.

Eldritch Blast is considered as the premier cantrip for the Warlock class. It was a class feature that all Warlocks received. It is better than any other damaging Warlock cantrip. There are other attacks also such as Phantasmal Force.

Here we will discuss more about Eldritch Blast 5th Edition Spell details and why you should choose it to maximize its potential.

Eldritch Blast Spell Details:

School: Evocation
Level: Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120 feet
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Warlock

Moreover, this spell sends a bolt of damaging force to a single target. While attacking, you make a ranged spell attack to attempt to hit.

Like other damaging cantrips, it also scales at level 5, 11, and 17, while adding an extra bolt to each level. It uses a d10 damage force, pretty good cantrip already.

At level 2, Warlocks can start learning new Eldritch Invocations, and modifiers about how they or their classwork.

Below are some of the invocations that can enhance your Eldritch Blast, and their benefits of each.

Eldritch D&D Invocations:

Agonizing Blast

This invocation allows you to add your charisma modifier to damage rolls, which no other cantrip can do.

It provides a minimum amount of damage at low levels, letting you keep up with martial characters. But at higher levels, it multiplies with the additional blasts.

Eldritch Spear

This Spear invocation raises the range of Eldritch Blast from 120 to 300 feet. This becomes situational as most of the fights that happens are within 60 feet, not 120

While, on the other hand, being able to attack from 300 feet allows you to start attacking as soon as you see your target. And it also makes it almost impossible for a fleeing, low health target to escape from it.

Grasp of Hadar

This invocation can make your blasts to easily pull a target that is 10 feet closer to you. And for most Warlocks, this presents far more risk than reward.

There are some exceptions that when it could be useful and when it’s not are; If the target is at the edge of the hazard, or if you’re a well armored Hexblade that can easily afford to be in close quarters.

Lance of Lethargy

This invocation allows one blast per turn to easily lower a creature’s movement speed by 10 feet closer to you.

Lance of lethargy invocation is generally more useful, as it not only prevents your target from reaching you, but also makes it harder for them to go anywhere else.

It’s a solid control added to the spell.

Repelling Blast

As pull and push are discussed now this invocation can push a target 10 feet backward each time it hits. It does the job very well than Lance of Lethargy, it is able to push up to 40 feet at level 17 also. Generally, it’s used to prevent any target from reaching towards you, as well as hazard effects like Grasp of Hadar.

Final Verdict:

Eldritch Blast is one of the strongest of Warlock cantrips. It acts as d10 using a universally effective damage type. It can be modified also, to do some extra damage. If you take both the Spell Sniper feat, and the warlock invocation Eldritch Spear, this cantrip can have a total range of 600 feet.

Every Warlock should try this in one of their cantrips unless they really feel the need to choose something else for themselves with reasons. But for new warlocks that are looking to spell, GamingSpell wishes you the best of luck in combat with your signature cantrip.


FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Who can learn Eldritch Blast?

You can get a bard and learn the eldritch blast using the lvl10 magical secrets trait, but also remember that the power of cantrip lies in the invocations that are specific for the warlock.

How do you maximize Eldritch Blast 5e?

Instead of rolling twice for attacks with an advantage, you can roll 3 times. If warlock hexblade curse is on a target, then you get way more chances to crit with an eldritch blast. Finally, if you are playing a fairly high-level campaign, take 2 levels in fighter to action surge and cast eldritch blast again.

How many times can you cast Eldritch Blast?

Eldritch Blast has a casting time of 1 action (PHB p. 237). You‘ve only got one action on your turn, so you can only cast Eldritch Blast once.

What damage type is Eldritch Blast?

According to Complete Arcane pg. 7 “an eldritch blast deals 1d6 points of damage at 1st level and increases in power as the warlock rises in level.” But it makes no reference to damage type until pg. 9 where three of the Eldritch Invocations add damage types.

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