Is There Arsenic In European Baby Food?

Besides all efforts of the European Union in reducing the arsenic levels in rice-based baby still, some products contain high levels of arsenic, including cereals and cakes.

But only a few companies, like HiPP with their golden standard HiPP Dutch formula, take the step, and almost 75 percent of rice-based products contain more arsenic than recommended. There is an effective and straightforward method that can be used to lessen arsenic by about 85 percent in rice-based foods, said Professor Meharg(Professor at Queen’s University.).
Prolong intake of arsenic causes many diseases in humans; it can cause cancer, skin diseases, diabetes, and increased heart diseases. Arsenic may be found in many foods like rice, shrimp, fish, and shellfish but rice contain 10 percent more arsenic than other foods. And exposure to inorganic arsenic at the early stage of life can be more dangerous. This intake can make kids victims of disease throughout their life. Inorganic also impacts a baby’s growth, height, and I.Q.

Research at Queen’s University arsenic quantity should be less in baby food. And acceptance of E.U. laws regarding lowering the inorganic arsenic shows arsenic quantity can be reduced further.

In 2016 European Union set laws regarding lowering the carcinogen concentration in baby food to save people from many diseases. The decrease in arsenic levels in Europe gives hope regarding inorganic arsenic. But Queen’s university research further suggests that there must be more decrease in arsenic in infant foods because almost 50 percent of infant rice-based food contains arsenic.

The study’s lead author at Queen’s University, Professor Meharg, said, This research has cleared that European babies are more exposed to arsenic and arsenic can prevent I.Q., immune system, and growth of kids.

Researchers at Queens marry too urine samples of infants before and after weaning. Kids were both which are formula-fed and breastfed. The research found that kids fed formula-based european baby formula are more exposed to arsenic, especially kids who have rice formulas are more susceptible to arsenic.

In this research, Queen’s not only researched how formula-fed babies get more affected by arsenic. They also compare how much change companies made in arsenic content in food after a European law passed in 2016 about lowering arsenic quantities. Research shows a higher level of arsenic found in products since implementation of new regulations. They also found about 75 percent more arsenic in products made for babies than the recommended arsenic level.

Professor Meharg found that percolating rice is a simple yet effective method through which about 85 percent of arsenic can be removed from rice. So here comes the shocking fact that if a simple and effective way is available to remove arsenic from food, companies have no excuse for more arsenic content in food. This behavior shows companies’ negligence and no concern about kids’ health.

Professor Meharg also said, “Baby products such as cereals containing rice and rice-cakes are most popular in babies which contain high content of rice and ultimately more arsenic. This study reveals almost three-quarters of baby formulas contain more quantity of arsenic”.


Arsenic is present in many foods we ate a daily basis. Still, the more important thing is that it is present in products but is not suitable for babies, especially at an early age when they are in the continuous growth stage. Arsenic affects kids’ growth, but it affects their I.Q. and can cause cancer and other skin diseases. European food specially made for kids contains arsenic, and it is more than recommended. Law has passed for companies to ensure there can be a low quantity of arsenic in baby foods. But only a few companies take the step, and almost 75 percent of rice-based products contain more arsenic than recommended. There is an effective and straightforward method that can be used to lessen arsenic by about 85 percent in rice-based foods, said Professor Meharg(Professor at Queen’s University.).

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