The Absorb Element is a magic that just delivers both basic protection and loss for a level of spelling slot. Although the magic explanation is straightforward, it has many questions about the rules, and applications that cannot be easily manifest at first glance.

Let’s just have what they are


The Absorbed elements dnd 5e are In the following classes  in their spelling list:

Druid, sorcerer, Artificer (TCOE-12), Ranger, Wizard.

No sub-classes absorb elements for free. Yet, Eldritch Knight’s fighters can decide to learn elements, and Rogus Arcane Trickster can raise it at the eighth, 14th, or 20th level.

What is Absorb Elements 5e?

d&d 5e Absorb Element is a spell that allows you to reduce incoming damage of a specific type and then add that damage type to the next melee attack you make.

Casting Time: 1 reaction

School: Abjuration

Effect: Lightning, Acid, Cold, Fire,  or Thunder

Range: Self

Attack: None

Time: 1 round

Level: one

Elements: S


The Absorb elements are employed as a reaction to taking the greatest damage (acid, cold, fire, electricity, or thunder). Magic instantly provides you with opposition to this type of elementary damage, which is a fighter for a complete cycle, which includes against the magic/effect that has mobilized the use of your Absorb elements.

If a creature or a thing has opposition to the type of loss, this type of loss is half against it. “(PHB 197). So if you damage 10 or 11 fires from magic, you have only 5 fire losses after casting the absorb elements (because of the principle of going down – p. HB7).

The damages After “absorbing”  your next tumultuous attack is empowered, with an additional 1D6 damage to the element you absorb. So if you absorb the elements to damage the fire, your next tumultuous attack will deal with the additional loss of 1D6 fire.

Finally, the Absorb elements can be prepared to extend the loss of bonus turmoil to 1D6 for each spell slot level above. Accelerating elements absorbed has no effect on the defense force of magic.


In 5e D&D rules for Absorb Elements are as follows

Killing from a splendor attack still absorbs the damage to the bonus of the elements. The Sage Advice Compendium made it clear that “a turbulent crowded attack, really, is a tumultuous attack” (SAC 15). This means that you can use the shillelagh, shocking grip, and even absorbent elements such as thorns to mobilize the damage to the elements.

Resistance reduces the loss by 50 %, but having dual resistance does not grant you immunity. Here is the appropriate section of the player’s handbook:

The Absorb elements reduce the damage caused by dynamic magic. Some players get confused when they notice that “you have a resistance to the kind of damage” but there is no clear mention of the self-dynamic attack. Fortunately, we have been confirmed by Sage’s advice that “Absorb elements work against the magic that triggers it.”

When you take harm, you decide to use Absorb elements. In other words, you can see the result of your savings throw and/or know how much harm you will do without casting the Absorb elements.

So it is inconceivable to waste absorb the elements, as you already know how much you are reduced to this loss.

A wild shape can be damaged after absorbing the druid or polymorphous character elements when the damage causes them to return to their human form. According to the Sage Advice Compendium, “When the creature returns to its original form, the loss of no survival is subject to the resistance of the loss of this shape, if any.” (SAC 20)

An example should support: Say that you are a druid utilizing a wild shape and you have 10 hit points left. We say you suffer 30 cold losses. Once you do this, you get resistance to the remaining 20 cold damage, so you will reduce the damage to 10.

An important strike doubles the loss of elements. If your next tumultuous attack is the result of an important strike after absorbing elements, you can double the amount of D6 from which you are rolling for magic damage.

The reason for this is that if an attack is added to another loss … when you score a significant hit, you also roll those dots twice “. (PHB 196).

Whether your next attack may be at this point. Sadly, the language of the absorbing elements is slightly less than the point and I am unable to find a solid answer to Sage’s advice.

As the first line of magic reads, you store the energy of incoming magic, “Store it for your next melee attack.” Yet, the third line says, “The first time you beat the melee attack at your next turn, the target has an additional loss of 1D6.”

Altogether, there are very few conditions where it will be an opportunity- a player will not be capable to attack opportunities after casting elements (they both utilize a reaction), so attacking the player Will need, to use the Absorb elements before stimulation for this prepared action, and then the trigger’s requirement is met.

If a party successfully removes it, we recommend that the bonus damage to the elements in their attack – what damage?

The cost of absorbing elements costs a reaction. As we have noted the above-mentioned principles, the fact is that the absorbing elements use your reaction, which means that you will not be able to use any other response for the rest of the round. This means that no chance or other magic reacts over time, such as shields.


If you are a magician or a wizard, you will be capable to choose between two reaction magic from the first level of the game: absorb the elements and shields. The Shield immediately provides you with a +5 AC and magical missile immunity for 1 round of fighting.

Like the absorbent elements, the shield is first-level magic that is relevant and useful in any DND campaign. The shield is more permanent use, as DND contains physical damage in almost every engagement, while elementary loss is more unique.

The shield is also more valuable in the initial level (1-4) when the difference between physical damage and magical loss is even more clear.

Nevertheless, the shields and absorbing elements cover two separate defense scenes, which means there is no reason why you cannot have them. Just suggest that, since they both need a reaction, you will not be able to use the two in the same period of fighting.

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