5 animated video production difficulties

In computer animation, the item (drawing, model) on the screen is really unmoving. Animated video production agency Explain Ninja, has uncovered numerous difficulties of animating your video.

1. On target

Computer animation has a broad reach. Animation is present in cartoons, movies, video games, and commercials. A bright, realistic visual and the presentation of information of any complexity in a comfortable, easy, amusing manner captivate the viewer’s attention.

Everyone liked cartoons as a kid, and computer animation brings back fond memories of those days.

Do you know Denis Diderot and Molière’s “fourth wall”? It was coined in the 18th century. This is the name of the imagined wall that divides the audience from the players on the stage of the “three-walled” theater. The next stage was to remove the “fourth wall” between the actual and virtual worlds, enhancing the viewer’s presence in a theatrical play or movie. The latter has gained popularity with the advent of 3D technology. Imagine items flying towards you from the movie screen, creating a realistic impression and evoking emotions. The animated / cartoon figure shows the audience that he is genuine, therefore breaking the “fourth wall” and coming closer to the viewer. A cartoon or animated film uses this method in the conclusion when the hero turns to the audience or refuses to let the screen go, giving the sense of going beyond it. This effect is seldom employed yet always intriguing. After all, the advertiser’s main objective is to hold the viewer’s attention and inform them about the product or service.

2. Motion graphics

An advertising or product video’s core concept may be revealed using motion design technology (motion design), which combines graphic design with 2D and 3D animation. The video’s design and animation provide a lot of information in a concise manner. So, information is readily understood, and the image retains attention from start to finish. Motion design originated in the 1960s with Motion Graphics Inc. Then the company’s creator, John Whitney, developed animated visuals for TV and film.

Our motion design videos fall into three categories:

  • 2D \s3D
  • Animated + footage

Let’s look at two types of 2D graphics from our portfolio: form graphics and squigglevision graphics.

Sheypovaya two-dimensional graphics is made up of flat geometric forms. Simple dynamic items do not overburden the image or the viewer’s perception. The major focus of shape movies is on the key content, which is structured and simple. Videos promoting business services or advertising products often use shape graphics characters (instructions, presentations, gaming sequences).

Tom Snyder created Squigglevision. Compared to hand-drawn animation, this method is easier to produce. Paths moving continuously eliminate the need for more complicated animation to give the picture vitality.

3D-graphics – picture of volume. With 3D technology, you may construct any space: genuine or fictitious, but always appealing to the spectator or possible consumer. In such a movie, you may reanimate the promoted product (give it facial emotions and voice) or change it to show all its potential. 3D graphics are also employed in design: event screensavers, unconventional logo presentations, etc.

Composite graphics are used to blend 2D or 3D graphics with film. This is how infographics interact with or accompany captured items in the frame. Consider the Doodle animation. It shows how to draw characters, objects and activities freehand.

3. Detailed (script and storyboard)

A decent script ensures that your video gets viewed until the conclusion. Animated videos need a script to achieve a commercial purpose or notion. The video’s efficacy is increased by the video’s innovative idea. The product (advertising video), the service conditions (product video), and the company’s image will all improve (corporate video).

So, the ideas are ready, and the screenplay is written. Next, storyboard the video. A storyboard is a series of graphics that represent the content of each frame and scene in a future film.

The term “Storyboard” (also known as “computer storyboard”, “animation script”) is more often used in the creation of animated videos.

Combining animation with infographics can assist set semantic accents, create the perfect mood, and transmit a lot of data (description of the process, technology, advantages, disclosure of the problem and idea). Each animation style may add unique elements to your film.

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